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Low Notes & Pedal Tones By Various Authors


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Pedal tones have become an absolute staple of trumpet pedagogy, and are especially useful for developing a healthy high range. If your practice routine is lacking on pedal tones, we urge you to get on the bandwagon! The real secret to facility on brass instruments is not just developing a high range, but broadening your comfort zone in both directions so your range becomes one integrated entity, rather than discreet sections.

This bundle, which includes two mp3 sets + 5 books, is the perfect way to help you reach the next step in your development. Pedal tones are not only great for developing high range, but they are also useful in their own right as warm-up tools and to relax after a hard day’s playing.

This is an exceptional deal, and it won’t be around forever. Click through the samples to the left, read through the write-ups provided below, and then click above for immediate PDF downloads of the entire bundle.

Books Included

  1. Knevitt, Develop Your Range to Third Pedal C (Audio Lessons)
  2. Branch, Pedal Tones for Trumpet
  3. Hunt, Sail the Seven C’s (With Audio)
  4. Peters, Total Range
  5. Deutsch, The Extended Trumpet Range
  6. Mancini, Mancini’s Daily Studies

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