The Trumpets of Varèse (The Complete Trumpet Parts) By Edgard Varèse


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The music of Edgard Varèse (1883-1965) is, perhaps, the most significant of the twentieth century. Originally labeled as revolutionary and iconoclastic, it has proved to be prophetic and innovative; it has spanned the years immediately following the late nineteenth-century Romanticism to the present age. Varèse incorporated the sounds of his time into a dazzling milieu of instrumental color, hypnotic melody, and savage rhythm. Utilizing these sound materials, Varèse ignites an audience and evokes an electrically charged atmosphere of spontaneous vitality.

In this collection, you get every trumpet part from his entire catalog. The parts are written in a stacked-score style, ready for personal practice or for rehearsal with your trumpet section. This includes an introduction and critical notes from Gene Young, and if you have never had the chance to explore the music of Varèse I am deeply envious of the opportunity of discovery that is laid out before you.

To the left, you will find some samples, and below you will find the table of contents of this 110+ page book. When you are ready, click above for an immediate digital download.

Table of Contents

  1. Varèse and his means of expression
  2. Amériques
  3. Offrandes
  4. Hyperprism
  5. Octandre
  6. Integrales
  7. Arcana
  8. Ecuatorial
  9. Déserts
  10. Nocturnal
  11. Conclusion

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