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The Trumpet By Hermann Pietzsch


Print & Digital Editions

NEW: Now available in Print with free shipping to North America. Just choose “Print” from the dropdown above.

Behold, Hermann Pietzsch’s “The Trumpet”. This massive work is subtitled “an orchestral instrument and its treatment during the different periods of musical culture.” The first 45 pages alone consist of the most in-depth analysis of orchestral trumpet performance practice to you have ever read, and almost warrant a separate volume on its own. He goes in-depth into markings and expressions, embellishments, different trumpet keys and their uses, and so much more.

This is essentially a three section work broken down as follows:

  1. Volume One, Part One: Theoretical: The natural trumpet, the valve trumpet and their use in orchestra;
  2. Volume One, Part Two: Practical: The natural trumpet in musical excerpts;
  3. Volume Two: The valve trumpet in music excerpts.

This incredible 216 page work is translated here into both German and English. It is wonderfully annotated, well documented, and is a wonderful treasure of the repertoire that I am very proud to have restored for you. Please check the table of contents in the sample to see the extensive list of music included in this edition, it is simply too much to list here!

Please look into some extensive samples on the left, then grab a PDF download above.

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