Sight Reading Etudes (Treble Clef) By John M. Laverty


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John M. Laverty’s “Sight Reading Etudes” is subtitled “exercises for developing sight-reading skills (Treble Clef Edition)”. This book began its life as doctoral dissertation that became a fully fledge, 97 page document that walks players through a step by step method to simplify sight reading. John writes that:

This etude book only addresses the first two elements of successful sight reading 1) being able to look ahead while sight-reading and 2) playing correct rhythms. let me point out that these elements are only the foundation for successful sight reading, but without a solid foundation in any endeavour, success will always be in doubt. -JM Laverty

These etudes start with single note rhythms to be played with or without the instrument and evolve into fully fledged melodic examples, just as we see in Walter Eby’s “Lessons on Time” (link).

Have a look at the samples to the left and grab an immediate PDF download above.

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