Practical Studies & Orchestral Extracts By Frank R. Moore


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This book is absolute gem. If you look it up on worldcat or on the entire internet, it doesn’t exist. But here it is. Frank R Moore’s Practical Studies and Orchestral Extracts is such a novel and innovative method that I am shocked it has not seen the light of day in decades. Read what Mr.Moore said about its construction, part 3 is an amazing concept:

“In introducing this work to the Student of the Trumpet, I have in mind the essential qualities he should cultivate. Tone Clearness and certainty of articulation and Fluency; also a knowledge of certain important, and sometimes difficult passages, which he may be called upon to play. I have divided the work into three distinct sections. The first section consists of original exercises, Nos I, 2 and 3, being intended as daily exercises, to obviate the necessity of uninteresting practice of sustained notes in an indescriminate way. They will be found invaluable to the student if played through carefully and with precise attention to the expression marks as a preliminary to his daily practice. Nos 4 to 14 are exercises founded on various important trumpet figures in well known works. The object of these exercises is to familiarise the student with that particular passage.

Section 2 consists of important passages for the Trumpet taken from various works which the student will find of much value.

Section 3 is devoted to the Trumpet Obligato parts from the Handel works with the voice part arranged for a second player. The student will thus familiarise himself with the vocal solo part as well as the Trumpet part.

I am much indebted to the several publishers who have courteously allowed me to use the various extracts for my subject matter and to my friend Mr. W. H. T abb for his valuable assistance in editing the work.” Frank R Moore.

Your collection is simply incomplete without this book. Check out the samples to the left then grab a PDF download above. Enjoy!

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