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Modern System of Natural Playing for Brass By Benedict Vanasek


Print & Digital Editions

Benedict Vanasek holds the rare distinction of being the only American who was ever awarded the first prize for trumpet proficiency at the Paris National Conservatory. He is also a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Leipzig. After he was awarded the biggest honour in the trumpet world, he went home and wrote this book to teach the next generation of trumpeters exactly how he achieved such a high level of playing.

This book is described as an illustrated method dealing with the development of the EMBOUCHURE, BREATH CONTROL, NON-PRESSURE SYSTEM, HIGH AND LOW NOTES, LIP TRILLS, VIBRATO and more.

The principles of natural playing have been known and taught by the great masters for several generations, and are presented here in modern form by Mr. Vanasek, whose wide experience and study make him eminently qualified for so important a work. One of the first books dealing with natural playing was published (in German) in 1795 and was entitled” Heroish Musikalishen Trompeter Kuntst.”

Leopold Stokowski said the following about Mr. Vanasek’s playing: “You have a warm, round tone and areal flexibility.” Who wouldn’t want to emulate that?

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