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Louis Armstrong A Jazz Master By Louis Armstrong


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Louis Armstrong’s “A Jazz Master” is a collection of his most famous trumpet solos ever put on record. This book has a very special place in my heart; I played it for years growing up, and having the opportunity to share it with my audience at qPress is such a thrill. I used to put on Pops’ recordings and play along, trying to match his style and articulation. There simply is not better way to learn then from the best.

There have been fifty golden years of Louis Armstrong’s music, and it still hasn’t aged. This folio contains twenty of Louis Armstrong’s most interesting solos transcribed originally by jazzman Lee Castle. They are clean, uncomplicated solos that are fine examples of basic jazz lines. The full table of contents is below and samples at the left. Grab an immediate PDF download today and get sheddin’!

  1. Butter And Egg Man
  2. Come Back Sweet Papa
  3. Cornet Chop Suey
  4. Gully Low Blues
  5. Gut Bucket Blues
  6. Heebie Jeebies
  7. Hotter Than That
  8. I’m Not Rough
  9. Irish Black Bottom
  10. Jazz Lips
  11. Knee Drops
  12. Muggles
  13. My Monday Date
  14. Ori Ental Strut
  15. Potato Head Blues
  16. Skit-Oat-De-Oat
  17. Struttin’ With Some Barbecue
  18. Sunset Cafe Stomp
  19. Tight Ll Ke This
  20. Two Deuces

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