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Arban’s Famous Complete Method Vols.1-3 By Jean-Baptiste Arban


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This incredible, 490 page, 3 Volume edition of Arban’s Complete Method for Trumpet sought to bring the original material up to date for modern usage through careful editing of the original exercises, inclusion of new studies (exercises, etudes, solos and excerpts) and by providing a more complete and accurate instructional text. While preserving much of Arban’s technical exercises. Maire’s edition is far more comprehensive, with inclusion of contemporary performance practice and pedagogic thought; his reworking of Arban’s Méthode comes much closer to standing on its own as a “complete” method for today than does the original. Two of the criticisms of the original heard most often are that “. . .it got too hard too fast . . and that it provides few, if any, studies containing diversity or complexity of rhythm. These shortcomings have been addressed, and much much more.

Mary Rasmussen wrote that “The order of the original Arban studies has been considerably rearranged. The result is a method which proceeds much more gradually than its predecessor, and one which is much more systematically organized.”

Clifford Lillya wrote that this edition is “doubtless the most extensive and definitive single work on trumpet and cornet playing.”

This item includes three separate books.

Volume 1: The Elements of Technique (General Technique). This is what everyone needs to get started, and what established players need to keep their fundamentals sharp.

Volume 2: Advanced Technique (Tonguing). This is a thorough study of articulation and fingering for more advanced players. Every type of articulation is covered, followed by ornaments, cadenzas, and more in every tonality.

Volume 3: On Musical Interpretation. This is focused on style and interpretation. This has a ton of musical etudes, solos, and excerpts, not seen in any other Arban edition.  12 Style Studies and 27 Modern Studies specifically written for this edition by Tomasi, Ibert, Bozza, Jolivet and more are worth the entire price of admission alone. Truly an incredible resource that you will love going through for the first time.

At nearly 500 pages it is hard to give a full sense of the scope and beauty of this book, or include nearly enough samples, but I promise you that your purchase here will be one that reaps you rewards for many years to come.

Samples to the left, and a three book digital download awaits you above.

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