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30 High Note Flow Studies By Erik Veldkamp


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Erik Veldkamp, after years of study and teaching at the highest levels, realized that there are not many trumpet books with classical-style etudes written for the high register on the trumpet. That is when he set out to write this collection of 30 High Note Flow Studies. This book doesn’t just offer progressive exercises to add a half step to your range here and there, instead, it provides musical and stylistic studies that slip in and out of the upper register that you have the benefit of using your inner musical ear to focus and centre the high register while sustaining good fundamentals like air support and embouchure placement.

This book will challenge you with range, yes, but it will also develop your ear as the intervals begin to grow, exercise your chops so you wake up stronger every morning, and will give you a great reason to work on both slurring, flexibility, and articulation in all registers of the instrument.

To the left you can get an idea of what you will find inside. Click above for an immediate digital download.

More In This Series

  1. 50% OFF Air Support & Range Bundle
  2. Veldkamp, 30 High Note Flow Studies
  3. Veldkamp, 24 Range & Flow Studies
  4. Veldkamp, 30 Song & Wind Studies
  5. Veldkamp, 20 Tone Studies & Vocalises
  6. Veldkamp, 33 Progressive Range Studies
  7. Veldkamp-Murphy, 24 High Note Range Studies
  8. Veldkamp, 26 High Note Flow Studies

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