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School of Trumpet Playing By Sergey Balasanian


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I am very proud to announce the very first original Grand Method translation produced by qPress!

Sergey Balasanian’s “School for the Trumpet” is a complete method that takes players through all areas of trumpet playing. What is unique about this book, especially if you compare it to the Arban or St-Jacome methods, is that it includes a 64 page book of piano accompaniment that goes along with a large percentage of the exercises, etudes, and solos in the method. It is imperative that students learn to play in harmony and in time with other players, and Balasanian’s method includes accompaniments from the very first exercises, even those that cover the first few notes of the C major scale. I applaud Suren for having the foresight to add these accompaniments.

As for the overall structure of the book, I am not sure if there are any others that are so well organized. After the initial concepts are laid out, players are given a key signature, shown the scale and arpeggios, and then exercises and etudes in that key follow. It is progressive in nature and each new section builds on what proceeded it. The book ends with its most challenging material, including lip flexibility exercises, interval practice, and a fantastic set of 20 characteristic studies.

I am thrilled to bring you this new translation by Timothy Quinlan and Vyacheslav Tsvetnikov. All of the original images were kept intact from the Russian Language original, and the integrity of the text was of foremost importance.

I have included a wide range of samples from the method as well as the piano score to the left. Check them out, then grab an immediate PDF download above. Enjoy!

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