Progressive Exercises for the Cornet Student By L.S. Foght



From the Author: The prime object in producing “Progressive Exercises for the Student” is to present to the many ambitious students a set of exercises from which some satisfaction and pleasure may be obtained. The feeling that one can conquer each difficulty as it presents itself does much to encourage the beginner; and if a book i?s arranged in such a manner as not to discourage the young player as he proceeds, playing is a delight.

In the author’s experience with texts of all descriptions, with but one or two exceptions, he has found that the books are written by artists who have forgotten their first difficulties, and are now producing exercises which for themselves are easy enough of execution, but which prove difficult and unsatisfactory, to say the least, when tried by the beginner. Almost on the first page of these books the pupil is expected to play music entirely out of his range, and if he is not immediately discouraged, he at once forms bad habits in his straining effort to reach the “high notes.” Surely much of the bad tone, the ear-splitting sound, the facial contortion, etc., comes from this unnatural effort to attempt too great a range at the start.

This work is not designed as an instruction book in the real sense of the term, but rather, as its name implies, an exercise book. It may, and perhaps skould, be used in connection with some well written text of instruction, and better still, under the direction of a competent teacher.

The Explanatory Introduction furnishes practically all necessary hints as to the use of the exercises given in the fifty lessons which make up the work.

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