Davidson’s Trumpet Techniques By Louis Davidson


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I am thrilled to have the opportunity to bring Louis Davidson’s wonderful catalog back into circulation with the help of the Davidson estate. His book “Trumpet Techniques” is one of the most requested books from our users, so it is very exciting to have it available for everyone again. Louis writes in his foreword: “While it can be fairly stated that not in many a decade have there been any new, profound discoveries or revelations regarding the basic principles of playing the trumpet, it is nevertheless true that very often the presentation of old ideas in new and fresh form can throw much light on hitherto unsuspected, unrealized facts regarding these principles. The book is not only intended to help those with playing problems but it is also intended for those players who may be interested in the theories and concepts contained in the pages that follow.”

Louis’ great friend Timofei Dokshizer wrote the foreword, and his words are powerful: “Louis’ Trumpet Techniques is comprehensive and simple, like the truth itself. We look through its pages and learn them like the book of Arban. Thanks to this book, the teachings of Louis Davidson will have an indelible influence on all future generations of trumpet players.” Wynton Marsalis may have said it best in his endorsement of Trumpet Techniques: “Professor Davidson is one of the great original thinkers in the art of trumpet playing. Trumpet Techniques is one of the must-have etude books.” We couldn’t agree more. Having this book back in circulation with the help of the Davidson estate is such a blessing. I hope you enjoy this fantastic book as much as I have.

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